The Fools:
Darrell Martel
Brandon Lucas
Erin Sasseville
Elizabeth Compton
Nick Savage
Jay Chanoine
Adam Martin
Ask A Fool:
i have a friend (edit) who is 18 and dates chicks who are 15 or EVEN YOUNGER! what do you think of age when it comes to dating, i mean my dads 40 and my moms 46 so if u look at it in comparison (edit) would be dating a12 year old. when does age NOT become a factor in dating. what you think!?
Dear JFD,
15? Well I'll be honest, thats pretty ripe. I like my fruit with a little more age to it, if you catch my drift. I think your friend needs to set his standards a bit higher. Relationships require a lot more maturity then most people think. And the Maturity gap between a 15 year old and an 18 year old is huge. A 15 year old hasn't had a job, a license or even that much life experience, not to mention the legal issues that come with a gap like that...yikes. Your mom and dad are seperated by a six year different but at what age did they start dating? Personally, I think that age isn't that much of an issue as long as the maturity is there. However, I've yet to meet a 15 year old thats mature enough for a relationship. Hope that clears things up for you a bit!
-A Fool
posted by Darrell @
1:44 AM
| 6/15/2005 |