Gibbering Fools: Conversation of the Foolish


The Fools:

Darrell Martel
Brandon Lucas
Erin Sasseville
Elizabeth Compton
Nick Savage
Jay Chanoine
Adam Martin

So heres something thats been bothering me this week. Communication. Or lack there of. We all know that one of the important keys to a healthy relationship is communication. Be it, girlfriend, boyfriend or the feared 'just friends', communication is vital. Now first off, let me disclaim that this has nothing to do with my long distance relationship, its something i've just come to notice with a few friends as of late. Second, let me remove the gigantic plank sticking out of my eye. I rarely talk to my parents, in fact I generally avoid them. I get upset when my intentions were to just say hi to someone but somehow I get sucked into a whirlwind of conversation going abssolutley no where. I'm bad at communicating. With family, with some friends, sometimes with the girlfriend and sometimes I just don't want to communicate. (An excuse for a lack of updates at gibbering? maybe)

There now friends. The plank is removed and I can see clearly to take out that pesky sawdust thats been bothering you so much. I've always been told that guys have a hard time communicating. I've always assumed it to be true. Latley however, I see the oppositte. I see guys communicating and girls not listening, or maybe just ignoring. Anyone else notice this trend? Maybe its just me, maybe its just my group of friends but it seems that roles are starting to be reversed. Guys seem to be pouring out emotions, letting their feelings finally known to the world. Take for instance the whole genre of 'emo' music, go read a live journal or a xanga or hey you could even look through myspace. The fact is guys are finally letting out. (Some guys a little too much) Girls on the other hand seem to be taking a more seclusive approach. I've noticed sometimes its hard for a girl to tell someone something in fear of offending certain parties. I don't know whats worse, telling someone something that might offend them or not telling someone something in fear of offending them. Sometimes something needs to be said, offensive or not the majority of the time someone needs to hear it.

I've also noticed girls are very sneaky when it comes to communication. The whole "Well so and so did such and such... but I don't want to talk about it right now" Thats a damn lie and you know it. You do want to talk about it or you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. Or the old trick where...

ah forget it... I don't really know what I'm getting at here. I think what I wanted my main point to be was that sometimes you just got to come out and say something. I don't really feel like typing anymore so I'll just conclude and let you pretend you read something of worth that came to the following conclusioin:

Be blunt. Be offensive. Talk it out. It's better then ignoring it.

  posted by Darrell @ 1:28 AM

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